First, the facts:
Title: Drafting: The Long and Short of It
Starring: Abby Franquemont
Produced by: Interweave Press, 2009
Length: 62 Minutes
Type: Spinning DVD
1. Introduction
2. Short Backward Draw
3. The Long Draw
4. Worsted Variation on a Short Fiber Blend
5. Woolen or Worsted from the Fold
6. The Finish
The In-Depth Look:
I’ve had my eye on this video for months. It doesn’t matter how much you know or think you know about spinning, there’s always more you can learn. Abby Franquemont has been spinning since she was a child and she has a lot of knowledge to share.
Here, she sits at her wheel and explains the different fiber preparations and how they effect the drafting method. There is a reason that carded fiber is best for woolen drafting methods, and that combed wool is perfect for worsted–and she explains all of it. It’s clear, informative, and very helpful. Well worth the wait.
First, the facts:
Title: Respect the Spindle: The Video
Starring: Abby Franquemont
Produced by: Interweave Press, 2009
Length: 72 Minutes
Type: Spinning DVD
1. How Does Spinning Work?
2. Spinning, Winding, Joining
3. What’s the Right Spindle?
4. Plying and Finishing
The In-Depth Look:
I’ve already reviewed the companion book to this DVD, and I have to tell you, the video is just as good. Spindling gets a bad rap far too often, as too many spinners think that it’s not as productive as wheel spinning.
This, of course, is not at all true if you bring your spindle with you when you’re out and about on errands or taking walks. It helps, though, if you know how to do it right, and Abby gives some really great tips on making your spindling as productive and fun as it can be.

My Gush: Two videos well worth the time to watch, with more info than you can absorb in one viewing.
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