First, the facts:
Yarn: Chadwick
Company: Juniper Moon Farm
Type: Worsted
Fiber: 60% merino, 40% baby alpaca
Yardage: 202 yards
Weight: 100 grams
Care: Handwash
The In-Depth Look:
I try to maintain a professional demeanor here at Knitting Scholar, and not go all fan-girl when I get excited about things. But … sometimes it’s HARD.
Let me introduce you to Juniper Moon Farm’s new yarn, Chadwick (named for Alan Chadwick who helped spearhead organic farming techniques).
How do I describe Chadwick?
Soft. Fluffy. Melt-in-your-mouth. Luscious.
Well, no, you won’t want to actually eat it, but this yarn is so soft and lofty, it’s like meringue, whipped cream, marshmallow fluff. You almost don’t expect your knitted stitches to be there when you come back to them on the next row because everything is so heavenly soft you wouldn’t be surprised if it fluffed itself into a poof of fiber in your hands.
Which isn’t to imply that the yarn is fragile. This is worsted-weight, singles yarn and, while it’s easy to break apart, it’s spun enough that it’s not going to fall apart in your hands. It’s just so airily soft you almost expect it to.
I honestly cannot think of a single other yarn I have EVER knit with that had this delectable feel. Soft and squishy, so that you just want to rub it against your cheek, or to knit a pillow out of it so you can sleep and dream the fleeciest, fluffiest dreams. As I said, the yarn is a single, so there are no extra plies, nothing compressing the air out of the fibers, which leaves them lofty and soft. It’s almost like knitting with pencil roving, and I can only imagine (here in the summer heat) how incredibly warm a scarf, hat, or sweater would be made in this yarn.
Yes … this is me gushing.
Now, in the interests of full disclosure, Susan Gibbs, the woman behind Juniper Moon Farm, is a friend of mine. I’ve been enjoying her farm-raised yarn and spinning fibers for years. And you know me well enough to know that pretty much every review I write is going to have something nice to say. But, please note that I’m not just being “nice” and supportive of my friend here.
I’m GUSHING. I’m in love with this yarn. I was lucky enough to get a sample in advance so I could knit a sample for their trunk show and every night when I pulled my knitting out of my bag, I fell in love all over again.
Since this is a singles yarn, of course, it can be a little “splitty” as you’re knitting, because all those individual fibers aren’t tightly twisted together, but I had no trouble compensating for that. And because it’s so deliciously soft and fluffy, I don’t know how well it will wear for long-term wear. But oh … this stuff is going to be incredibly cozy and warm. I keep imagining hats and scarves made out of this yarn. Or extra insoles in my boots. Sweaters would be amazing, too, but for me personally in my central-heating world, they would probably be too warm to wear. It would be worth the sweltering, though.
Did I mention that this comes in 12 colors, so there are plenty of choices? My only regret is that it’s a little pricey, but for this kind of unique, I-can’t-stop-petting-it, mouth-watering yarn? Worth it.
And that it’s only one of the three new yarns in their line? There’s a merino/super fine kid mohair bulky-weight (Willa) and a merino/silk lace-weight (Findley) as well. I haven’t seen them yet, but going by this one? I’m betting they’re pretty fabulous, too.
Though, they’re going to have to really work at it if they want to pass Chadwick as my new favorite yarn.
Where can you get this luscious stuff? Here!

This skein was kindly donated by Juniper Moon Farm in exchange for me doing some sample knitting for them. Thank you!
Want to see bigger pictures? Click here: 1. 070511_0015, 2. 070511_0013, 3. 070511_0012, 4. 070511_0008, 5. 070711_0004