First, the facts:
Title: Metropolitan Knits: Chic Designs for Urban Style
Author: Melissa Wehrle
Published by: Interweave Press, 2013
Pages: 159
Type: Patterns
1. Heart of the City
2. Urban Bohemia
3. City Gardens
The In-Depth Look:
I kind of love this book.
The author writes in the introduction that, “For this book, I tried to capture the heart and soul of New York City, designing knitwear that will take you through the many and varied experiences the city affords to residents and visitors alike. In these pages, you’ll find just the right sweater for the occasion … While the city often seems to be always in a constant state of change and upheaval, I hope that these designs will be timeless, well-worn additions to your wardrobe that will last through the never-ending, sometimes fickle, changes in trends and fashion.”
Well … good job, there, because these designs are wonderful. Sweaters, mostly, but also accessories like cowls, scarves, fingerless gloves, wraps. But mostly sweaters, at least five of which I would like to knit right now (and two of whom I started mentally running through my stash to see if I had yarn right now that would work).
The designs largely are timeless … how can you go wrong with a striped hoodie pullover, or a cabled cowl for a chilly day? But they bring nice touches with them, well-placed buttons, eyelets in the sleeves, texture for a pocket … and what remains is a collection of designs that are totally wearable, not too trendy, but not the least bit boring, either.
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This review copy was kindly donated by Interweave Press. Thank you!