First, the facts:
Title: The Unofficial Harry Potter Knits
Published by: Interweave Press, 2013
Pages: 144
Type: Magazine
The In-Depth Look:
I hope you’re all as excited as I am. Not only has Interweave Press come up with a fun tribute to one of my favorite series of books (and movies), but they were generous enough to give me free copies to give away!
But more on that later.
The magazine, The Unofficial Harry Potter Knits, is filled with 30 projects inspired by the series. And, honestly, they’re almost as much fun. There are some great sweaters, here (and I’ll confess that I bought yarn to make the cover sweater the other day, so right away, you know I like it), some lovely wraps and shawls and socks … but there are whimsical things, too, like the stash-busting E.L.F. cap that looks like a pile of five different hats. There are O.W.L. mittens with a cheat-sheet list of spells on the palms, a Forbidden Forest scarf that looks like a series of trailing vines … and let’s not forget the hair bow that looks like a big, juicy fly.
But more than the playful patterns, there are some gorgeous sweaters in here–pullovers for men, cardigans and vests for women. There are lacy wraps that range from shawls to cloaks (well, short cloaks). Fingerless gloves and socks are here, too, and all in all, it’s a great collection. I already told you I plan on making the cover sweater, but there are several more here that I’d make, too, if only there were time! (Unfortunately, I’m guessing Hermione’s Time-Turner Mitts don’t actually turn time.) Oh, and let’s not forget the updated school scarves with abbreviated stripes.
Along the way, there are articles about the knits in the movies and the filming locations, magical symbols in the knitwear.
Basically, yes, this is a fun collection, and as a Harry Potter fan and a knitter, I’m enchanted.
Now–the best part. I have three copies to give away!
So … to be eligible to win, leave me a comment below answering these two questions.
- Which pattern from the collection would you most like to knit?
- Which do you prefer–the books or the movies?
The contest will stay open for a for a week, and is only open to US readers. (Sorry about that, for those of you outside the USA.)
You can get your copy at your local yarn shop, bookstore, Amazon.com or at Interweave (link below).
Want to see bigger pictures? Click here.

This review copy and the giveaway copies were kindly donated by Interweave Press. Thank you!
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I love the Dragon’s egg socks. I prefer the books. I only watched the first three (I think) movies, they just seemed to oversimplify the characters. Since I wasn’t really enjoying them, I just stopped watching. Maybe someday I’ll watch all the movies, but I’ll definitely be rereading the books.
I really want to knit the Severus sweater. I much preferred the books and have only managed to see the first 4 movies. Although, now that they’re all out I may try to get through all of them.
Perhaps it will not surprise you to know that I would knit the O.W.L. Mittens first. Bethany (and I ) would love them!!
The second question is way too hard to answer. Both are my favorite for different reasons. The books are magical and lyrical. I love the imagery and the world I am drawn into. However, I can say the same about the movies, same but different. It was wonderful to compare my imagined version of Quidditch. Or the wand shop. That is always my favorite scene int eh movies. I love them both. Please don’t make me choose!! :)
I cannot wait to see your sweater!
I adore Luna’s Heliopath Vest, although I doubt it would flatter my body type. I also love the assymetrical Tonk’s Togs. I thought they did a great job on this collection. (I thumbed through a friend’s copy)
The books are still my favorite, hands down.
I love the Heliopath vest.
I like Ginny’s Cardigan and Hagrid’s Sweater. Both look like they’d be a lot of fun to knit. As for books vs movies, while I love the movies, I would have to pick the books. So much more detail and it is great to us your imagination.
I think the cover sweater is the one I’d most like to knit. And I definitely prefer the books to the movies.
The patterns in that book are GORGEOUS. But also daunting. To be honest I’d start with the Time Turner Mitts. I love the books. Starting with book 3 I read each one the day it was released in the US!
I love the cover sweater-Ginny’s Cardigan. I also like the socks and mitts and would probably knit all.
I enjoy the books but to be honest I have listened to them rather than read them. I love listening to audio
books and get lots of knitting, spinning and weaving accomplished.
Thanks for the give away! I love the Owl Sweater, and all the socks! The books are my favorite, especially now that they are on my e-reading devices, though the movies do a decent job showing what I visualize as I read the novels.
I love the cover sweater and the Narcissa socks. I definitely liked the books better than the movies, they could not capture all the details that JK Rowling put into the books.
THe cape! And I definitely like the books better than the movies…
Lestrange Cloak, Heliopath Vest, Ginny’s Cardigan, Bluebell Flames, Yule Ball Engageantes, The Gray Lady’s Cloak…just to name a few :)
The entire collection is magnificent. It’s too difficult to choose one!
As far as the movies vs the books…it’s tough to choose. It’s like apples & oranges. I love to read, but the movies are pretty great too.
I LOVE Ginny’s cardigan. I prefer the books. The movies are ok but I prefer my imagination.
I also like the cover sweater, but the man’s green pullover and the red cardigan look wonderful as well.
As much as I love to watch a good movie (and I have enjoyed all of them) they can’t compare to the written books. They just sweep me away, even though I have read each one twice.
Great review, thanks! I love how the collection captures the Harry Potter world and characters. I particularly like the Severus Pullover. It looks like it’d be a blast to knit. I prefer the books. So many great memories of getting lost in good ol’ JK’s world for a bit.
I like the movies (enough to own them all, which is rare), but I *love* the books. I have re-read the first one more than any other book, I’m pretty sure and just began it again.
As for the magazine, what a hard question! There are lots of patterns I’d knit in there! The first one would probably be the Sword of Gryffindor Mitts, if only because I’m less confident about my stranded knitting for the O.W.L. Mittens.
I love the cover sweater, although I think I might find something a bit more interesting to do with the front. Who knew there was such a thing as a reverse coffin sweater?
Book. Always the book, with only two exceptions I’ve found in my life.
Picking one favorite pattern is like picking one favorite book – impossible! I really love all the cloaks – Ignotus Perevell’s, Lestrange, Gray Lady’s – and the Sorcerer’s Sweater – I’d just have to decide which of my favorite techniques to go for, cables or lace.
Books. Always books. (I *am* a librarian, after all).
(ps – nice to see you on FB – I feel like I have a connection to home again :-) )
(pss – I also think the Malfoy Wrapper is really cool)
Probably the Mermaid Shawl though there are lots of fun choices! Books or movies? Books- nothing compares to the movie that plays in your head!
don’t know if I am too late but I would love to win a copy….everytime I go to the bookstore or the LYS they are all out of the magazine. there are so many knits I would like to make here. oh if only the time turner mitts actually worked ; )
The Albanian Forest Mitts are my favorite. Very cool!
And, unlike the others here, I have enjoyed the movies over the books mainly because I watched them all as a marathon with my husband. I read all the books, but he didn’t want to so it was fun seeing how much he actually did enjoy the series of events.