First, the facts:
Title: The Art of Seamless Knitting
Author: Simona Merchant-Dest and Faina Goberstein
Published by: Interweave Press, 2013
Pages: 183
Type: Patterns and How-to
1. All About Seamless Knitting
2. Make it Fit!
3. Lace Patterns
4. Cable Patterns
5. Textured Stitch Patterns
The In-Depth Look:
So many knitters hate sewing seams. There are lots of reasons for that. They might not enjoy it, they might only be interested in doing the actual knitting part, they might not have the time to sit and carefully piece together pieces of their garments. They might simply not be very good at it. So, for them, seamless knitting is ideal–but it’s not just for knitters who dislike sewing. Knitting a sweater in one piece can give you the chance to try it on as you go, checking fit and length while you still have time to fix things.
This isn’t the first book, of course, focused on seamless knits, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a good one. It comes with lots of useful information about adapting patterns into seamless knits, tips and tricks to make it all work–not just a page or two, but dozens of them–and in between are the patterns for (mostly) sweaters knit with nary a seam in sight. Lace, cables, textures … they’re all in here.
All in all, this is an attractive and useful book with some really nice patterns and even better how-to kind of instructions. Well worth checking out.
This book can be found at
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This review copy was kindly donated by Interweave Press. Thank you!