First, the facts:
Title: Pack Up the Moon
Author: Rachael Herron
Published by: NAL Trade, 2014
Pages: 384
Type: Novel
The In-Depth Look:
I know. I just told you about this book a couple days ago. I was so excited about Rachael’s new book, I wanted to be sure you knew about it, so you could be excited too.
So, what’s different?
Well now, I’ve actually read the book and can tell you what I really think!
(*nail biting ensues*)
You’ll be pleased to know that I can, in fact, back up that recommendation with more recommendation, because I couldn’t put this book down.
Or, I say that, but actually, I had to … reluctantly … which is why I was late to work that first morning. And a little tardy getting back from lunch.
Luckily for me and my employer, I finished reading it that second night.
I’ve read Rachael’s other books and enjoyed them. (Her series of memoir essays, A Life in Stitches, is probably my favorite.) But this? Oh, she’s grown as a writer. This is beautiful and complex with layers of emotion and grief and pain and healing, all mixed up with the complicated definitions of what exactly makes a family. There’s heartbreak here, plenty of it, but hope and healing, too.
I don’t want to give anything more away than what you already know. Three years after losing her young son, Kate is contacted by the 22-year old daughter she’d put up for adoption years before, without ever telling her then-boyfriend and now-ex-husband she’d been pregnant. Cue an assortment of angst and emotion and secrets and truths and … well, it was gripping!
Run to Amazon or your nearest bookstore and check it out.

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