First, the facts:
Title: Knockout Knits: New Tricks for Scarves, Hats, Jewelry, and Other Accessories
Author: Laura Nelkin
Published by: Potter Craft, 2014
Pages: 144
Type: Accessories patterns
1. Wrapped Stitches at Play
2. Get Your Lace On
3. Beaded Beauties
The In-Depth Look:
You can tell this book began as a labor of love. The author tells us right up front that she is “obsessed with innovative knitting techniques” and “adores playing with stitch patterns and constructions that explore the mechanics of knitting.”
This book reflects that. It’s a playful collection of accessories that push knitting boundaries. How can you resist an author that says that “each section begins with an introduction explaining the technique, why I love it and why I think you will, too.”
Well, to some knitters, that’s practically a challenge.
The first section of the book talks about wrapped stitches–not the kind you use to knit short rows, but multiple yarn-overs to make elongated stitches. You know, the kind of yarn-overs that allow you to play with stitches without puckering the fabric. Part two deals with lace–one of my favorites. Chapter three is all about adding beads to your knitting. This includes helpful tips on the two primary ways of getting beads into your knitting, though the author is quick to point out that you can knit any of the designs in this section without the beads if you happen not to like them.
The designs themselves run the usual gamut of accessories–hats, shawls, mitts, socks–but also knitted jewelry, in cuffs and necklaces. Personally, I like almost all of them (and am trying not to be jealous of the hair one of the models has).
The author warns you right up front in her introduction: “Consider yourself warned: By knitting the designs in this book, you are embarking on a potentially addictive–and definitely creative–journey!”
This lovely book can be found at your local shop or at
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This review copy was kindly donated by Potter Craft. Thank you!