First, the facts:
Title: From Folly Cove
Author: Julia Farwell-Clay
Published by: Classic Elite Yarns, 2015
Pages: 54
Type: Patterns
No chapters, just patterns!
The In-Depth Look:
I’ve been trying to get to this review for a week, all while my review copy has sat on my table, looking charming and appealing as I continually rushed past it. I have absolutely no excuse because this slim little volume of patterns is great.
The collection from Julia Farwell-Clay gets its name from the Folly Cove Designers, a group, she says, “of mostly women who collaborated to hand print textiles in Gloucester, Massachusetts, beginning in the 1940s.” She says, “I have a long standing appreciation of their work, and for how those women (for the most part) fit art and craft into their lives alongside family and practical concerns of life on Cape Ann during and after the Second World War.”
Every pattern in the book is inspired by the work and personalities of the Folly Cove women. There are ten patterns in all (eleven if you count the Iarrobino Butterly Vest and Cowl as two separate patterns). Sweaters, a couple wraps, a skirt, a dress, a hat … they’re lovely. I could cast on for Hetty’s Garden Coat right this minute, and the Meteori shawl is something I would happily make, too. I wouldn’t exactly say no to any of them, actually, even if I don’t have the figure to wear the knitted dress.
This isn’t a big book. It’s at that in-between size of being bigger and classier than a pamphlet of patterns, but not quite a full-blown, full-scale “book.” You’ll find this collection at yarn shops, not at book stores. This makes sense, of course, because it’s produced by Classic Elite Yarns and so it goes where the yarn is. It’s beautifully put together, too, with gorgeous photographs which are reminding me how long it’s been since I was up to the north-east corner of Massachusetts.
Incidentally, I only just noticed that–as an added bonus–there is an eBook download code inside the back cover, which means you get a digital copy with your paper copy purchase–that’s always a plus for me. I love paper books, but there’s something really convenient about being able to carry things on my tablet or phone.
You can find this charming book at your local yarn shop or here at Ravelry. Here’s a link to Julia’s website where she talks about the book.
Want to see bigger pictures? Click here.

This review copy was kindly donated by the author and Classic Elite Yarns. Thank you!