First, the facts:
Title: Seamless Knits for Posh Pups
Author: Sharon Sebrow
Published by: Martingale, 2015
Pages: 64
Type: Patterns for pets
No chapters, just patterns
The In-Depth Look:
My dog has very firm opinions about the idea of wearing sweaters. A firm “no,” in fact. He’s of the opinion that they should be saved for only the coldest of days, or for serious romps in foot-deep snow. (We won’t discuss how, since he’s turning 14 this week, he doesn’t romp much these days.) But if he were a dog to wear sweaters, he might appreciate the patterns in this book.
Certainly I would, because knitting a seamless dog sweater is certainly easier (and faster) than knitting one in pieces that need to be seamed together.
And, even though the title says these are for “posh” pups, these are not frou-frou kinds of sweaters. (Well, not all of them.) They cover a range from cute to practical–though I question the Tiffany “dress” for potentially causing trouble in the (ahem) ladies room. (Anyone who’s ever had to go to the bathroom in a gown can appreciate the difficulty here.)
Ultimately, though, this is a nice collection of sweet garments to keep your dog warm when it’s cold outside.
How could they possibly complain about anything that will keep you outside playing longer?
Right, Chappy?
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This review copy was kindly donated by Martingale. Thank you!