First, the facts:
Title: Warm Days, Cool Knits
Author: Corrina Ferguson
Published by: Interweave Press, 2015
Pages: 143
Type: Patterns
The In-Depth Look:
The author writes: “If, like me, you live in the South, or other places where snow is a novelty, and the air conditioning runs most of the year [knitting] is a bit trickier. When you tell people you’re a knitter they look at you funny. The local yarn shops are few and far between. There are only a handful of days of sweater weather each year, and those sweaters are usually worn as coats. But even in the South we love to knit. And we want to knit pretty wearable things, not just accessories and household decorations. That’s why I created this collection of patterns to showcase the knitted seasons of the South, with projects that are fitting for any climate.”
Well, I don’t live in the South, but I can affirm that it is hot outside, and the last thing I want to do right now is bundle up in anything, much less a cozy, bulky sweater … but that doesn’t stop me from wanting to knit. That makes this the perfect time of year for this book. (You know, for those of us who live where it does actually get cold and snowy.)
The book is sorted into seasons, but don’t be fooled–the “Winter” knits are not the kind you wear to bundle up to shovel snow. They are the sort of thing you put on when the temperature dips into the 60s and it’s suddenly chilly at night. But that’s okay–they’re also good for wearing around your centrally-heated house when you just need an extra layer.
The styles are mostly light sweaters, wraps, and tank tops, ranging from extremely light- to medium-weight. There are several things in here I’d be happy to knit and have in my wardrobe, which I always consider a plus for a pattern book. Nothing bulky, nothing heavy, just light and breezy. Perfect for the South. Perfect for the summer.
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This review copy was kindly donated by Interweave Press. Thank you!