First, the facts:
Title: One-Skein Wonders for Babies: 101 Knitting Projects for Infants and Toddlers
Author: Judith Durant
Published by: Storey, 2015
Pages: 288
Type: Babies!
Little Ensembles
Little Tops
Little Bottoms
Little Dresses
Little Hats
Little Socks & Booties
Little Accessories
Little Blankets
Little Toys
Little Miscellany
The In-Depth Look:
There are three things that tell you, right off the bat, that this book is going to be a good one.
1. It’s a new book in the “One-Skein” series by Judith Durant
2. It’s full of patterns for babies–which means, at the very least, lots and lots of adorable pictures of adorable patterns.
3. It’s got 101 knitting projects. One hundred one! That’s … huge.
I could really just stop the review right there, couldn’t I? What more could you really need to know?
Going by the table of contents, you can see that these patterns are a wide-ranging assortment of things designed to keep your baby warm and snug. Sweaters, hats, booties, blankets … I can’t think of much (which is to say, anything) that’s left out.
The fact that there are 101 projects in this book is astounding to me, especially when a lot of books only offer a dozen or so. That means this book is crammed full with actual patterns, not padded at all. There are plenty of pictures–good ones–but they’re smaller than in most books–no full-page spreads of lush photos taking up space that could be used for a pattern instead.
Honestly, the only complaint I have about this book is that I don’t have any tiny people to knit for.
You can get this lovely book at or at your local yarn shop.
Want to see bigger pictures? Click here.

This review copy was kindly donated by Storey. Thank you!
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