First, the facts:
Title: Crochet One-Skein Wonders for Babies
Editors: Judith Durant and Edie Eckman
Published by: Storey, 2016
Pages: 286
Type: Crochet patterns for babies
1. Little Hats and Caps
2. Little Socks and Booties
3. Little Tops and Dresses
4. Little Bottoms
5. Little Bibs and Washcloths
6. Little Toys
7. Little Blankets and Sacks
8. Little Bags and Accessories
The In-Depth Look:
We’ve done the knitting version, but now it’s time to look at adorable crocheted things for babies.
How can you resist all this cuteness? (Hint: You can’t; don’t even try.)
The newest installment of Judith Durant’s series of one-skein wonders is here, and it’s filled with truly cute things for truly cute little, little people.
Bags, tops, toys, bibs, blankets, booties. So many cute things!
I do mean so many, too. One hundred one projects for toddlers and infants, here–that is a LOT of patterns. Things to keep a little person warm, entertained, stylish, and portable, there are a lot of things to choose from here, and almost every single one of them is just what you’d expect … cute!
I don’t know if it’s possible to have too much cuteness in one book, but if you’ve got one of these tiny people in your life, and if you like to crochet … this collection is fantastic. Versatile, colorful, entertaining … and with 101 patterns, it’s a great bargain, too.
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This review copy was kindly donated by Storey Publishing. Thank you!
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