First, the facts:
Title: Urban Knit Collection: 18 City-Inspired Knitting Patterns for the Modern Wardrobe
Author: Kyle Kunnecke
Published by: Interweave Press, 2016
Pages: 160
Type: Patterns
1. Planning the Trip: Advice for the City Knitter
2. Sightseeing: Sweaters for the Journey
3. A Change in Seasons: Wraps & Scarves
4. Souvenir Shopping: Accessories
The In-Depth Look:
In his introduction, the author writes about his love for architecture and the “simple old-fashioned hard work that goes into the making of things.” He talks about wanting to provide projects that would last, and be timeless, saying, “The thing that excites me about architectural eras is that they don’t actually have a beginning or an end. Bits and pieces and details evolve over time. Some fade away; others become mascots of the age. It is by looking into the past that we are able to identify which elements define a particular period. Something we think of today as being modern becomes vintage with the passing of time.”
I like that outlook. We are so prone to bemoaning how disposable the world has become–we don’t fix things anymore, we just buy replacements–and yet, there are gifts in our past that should be treasured.
It’s the architecture, then, that inspired these patterns, and the idea of travel that shapes the structure of the book. It begins with various techniques (“planning the journey”) and then goes through chapters of sweaters, wraps, and accessories. Most of the patterns are for women, though a couple are for men or (the scarves, for example), for either.
Instead of using the conventional easy/medium/hard kind of categorization for each pattern, the author offers a list of skills one should have for each project, so the knitter can choose for themselves. Need to know how to knit on circular needles, do a cable, knit intarsia garter stitch? You’ll know right up front.
The schematics and charts are all clear and helpful, and the patterns offer a decent mix of stitch-textures and cables and colorwork–with a slight bias toward colorwork.
Really, a great collection of knits not only inspired by fabulous things built in the past, but ready to be worn while visiting and admiring them.
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This review copy was kindly donated by Interweave Press. Thank you!