First, the facts:
Title: Stitch Camp: 18 Craft Projects for Kids & Tweens
Authors: Nicole Blum and Catherine Newman
Published by: Storey Publishing, 2017
Pages: 196
1. Sew
- Beanbag that is also a handwarmer
- Felt envelope
- T-Shirt Alchemy
2. Embroider
- Mandala sampler
- Art pillow
- Scout badge
3. Felt
- Arm warmers
- Cut-and-sew mittens
- Monster coin pouch
4. Knit
- Phone sweater
- I-Cord jump rope
- Cord-slung backpack
5. Crochet
- Beaded chain bracelet
- Pencil roll
- Hacked sack
6. Weave
- Woven patch
- Beaded key fob or necklace
- Jar jacket
The In-Depth Look:
This is a book I would have adored when I was younger–it’s filled with fiber arts projects for “kids and tweens.” The writers introduce it by saying, “When we started writing this book, it was called Fiber for Kids. We quickly enough realized that it sounded more like a breakfast cereal than a book–and not in a good way–so we renamed it. But fiber is still what this book is about.”
Sewing, knitting, crocheting, felting, embroidering, weaving. That pretty much hits all the “big” fiber related crafts, and even the ones not specified like quilting are kind of implied–it’s learning to wield a needle that is the first step, no matter what you aspire to make later on.
The how-to portions of each chapter are solid, filled with good instructions and useful illustrations on everything from sewing backstitch to knitting to creating a modified loom out of a piece of cardboard. Nothing is too advanced–this book is all about introducing new crafts, not about perfecting skills you might already have–but it does so with fun projects that are not intimidating. Weaving a keychain, sewing a beanbag … the projects are fun and playful–just like the youngsters who will be making them.
Seriously, this book and I would have spent a LOT of time together when I was ten. (Mom’s Girl Scout handbook from about 1950 just wasn’t the same.) The projects look fun, and if there’s anything that I can think of that would capture the interest of the next generation of crafters, that would be it.
Help spread the joy. If you have or know a young person who would enjoy exploring some of these radically old crafts (so old they’re new again), you should really take a look.
And me? It’s true I’m too old for this one, but I know just what I’m going to do with my review copy–a 9-year-old girl who loves books literally moved in next door two weeks ago, and this is the perfect welcome to the neighborhood gift!
Oh, and kudos for the perforated “handmade” gift tags printed into the back of the book to make sharing all these cheerful projects extra easy!
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This review copy was kindly donated by Storey Publishing. Thank you!