First, the facts:
Title: Top Down Shawls
Author: Jen Lucas
Published by: Martingale, 2018
Pages: 96
Type: Shawls
Wedge Shawls
Crescent Shawls
Half-Circle Shawls
Design Your Own Shawls
The In-Depth Look:
Adding to her series of books of beautiful shawls, Jen Lucas presents Top-Down Shawls.
The title is pretty self-explanatory–twelve lovely shawls, divided into three basic categories. There is a wedge shape (either a basic triangle or a combination of them), a crescent, or a half-circle.
All the patterns are nice and straight-forward. None of them seem pointed to a knitter looking for a challenging knit, but rather for one who wants something pretty to wear. That sounds a bit like a back-handed compliment, but I say this in the nicest way. They’re not patterns for showing off your knitting skills as much as there so that you have something actually to show. (What good is an elaborate, complicated shawl if it takes you two years to knit and never gets out of the house?)
There are four patterns for each of the basic shapes, and then my favorite part–the chapter on designing your own. (This, frankly, sounds like the author’s favorite chapter, too.) Here she breaks down the basic shapes and then provides a collection of basic lace stitches for you to insert as desired. Speaking as a person who loves options, I particularly appreciate this–there’s something very satisfying about being given a basic framework and set free to do what you want!
You can get this book at Amazon or at a local store.
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This review copy was kindly donated by Martingale. Thank you!