First, the facts:
Title: Finger Knitting for Kids: Super Cute & Easy Things to Make
Author: Eriko Teranishi
Published by: Tuttle Publishing, 2019 (English Translation)
Pages: 63
Type: Knitting for kids
The In-Depth Look:
Such a fun book!
So, when I was about nine, I remember riding my bike around our neighborhood with a ball of yarn in the basket (because I’m old enough that my childhood bicycle had a basket). I would ride for a while, and then stop in the shade of a tree and pull out my ball of yarn and finger-chain for a while before getting bored and riding some more.
Because, just making an endless chain of yarn with my fingers was cool (making something with just my fingers!), but also kind of boring because, well, it was just a chain. What good was that?
I would have adored this book.
The whole point to this book is that it’s possible to actually MAKE things using your fingers and yarn and nothing else. How can you not love that?
The fact that the things being made are adorable just makes it that much better.
I think there’s a very specific age-group meant for this book, since when you get a little older, you want to actually use knitting needles and get a little more serious (if you’re me, at least), but as a way to start? Something to play with just using your native wit and the pretty yarn your Mom buys you?
Yeah. I still kind of adore this book.
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This review copy was kindly donated by Tuttle Publishing. Thank you!
My Gush: I would have absolutely adored this when I was a kid.